America's Battle of the Books is a voluntary reading incentive program for students in grades 3-6. the purpose is simply to encourage students to read good books and have fun, while competing with peers.​
Interested students will be part of a team of 4 to 5 students. Each team will read as many books as possible from the book list for their grade. In March, teams will come together for a competition tournament where they will work as a team to answer questions about the books from the list. There are 20 books on each grade level list (click book links below). Students do not have to read every book on the list, however, the more books each person on the team reads the better chance they have when answering questions about the books in a battle.
After teams have been fired, students will need to turn in a tracking slip to their teacher for each of the books they read on the booklist. These tracking slips will be taken to Mrs. Valdivieso each week during library time to receive a button. Only participants will receive buttons. We would love to see each participating student earn all 20 buttons! These tracking slips will also be put into a drawing for prizes from the Battle of the Books Price-Mobile. This will happen randomly and will be announced during random morning announcements.